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Modern Home Decor - Simplicity At It's Finest

By Lee Dobbins

If there's one thing that a modern home has when it comes to decor, it's simplicity. Some decorating practices use a lot of texture and knickknacks; you will certainly not find this in a modern home. Modern home decor includes clean lines, sparse decorative objects, and well thought out contrast in color.

The colors in a modern home will be dark. They will be tones of browns, reds, burnt yellows, perhaps even a pearled tone of white or silver. The walls will most likely contrast with one another. Not all the walls in the room will be the same color. Alternately, if the home is very open, colors may be varied by room. One room may be chocolate brown while the room next to it will be a burnt yellow. Either way, the colors chosen will contrast with one another.

The decor throughout each room will be well thought out and carefully chosen. The pieces chosen will be few and they will displayed through the use of shelves that are mounted on the walls. Modern home decor looks for clean lines; therefore, there are not a lot of things placed on the floor other than what's absolutely necessary. Furniture is necessary to this room as well as perhaps a coffee and end table. Other than that, all else should be off of the floor.

Artwork will also be well chosen and very particular. Colors in the artwork should reflect colors that are painted on the walls. Pieces chosen should be of good size and only a few should be displayed. Again, clutter will definitely not do in this type of decor, so choose only one or two pieces of artwork and display on alternate walls.

Furniture for this type of room will be very simple as well as everything else. Fabrics will be smooth, usually leather or micro fiber. These furniture pieces will not be very ornate. The couches will be simple places to sit and not much more. Coffee tables will be artistic and often made of glass. Again, they will be very simple. They will either be round or square and if made of wood, it will be smooth and one tone. If there is a chair in addition to a couch, it will contrast with the material of the couch. In other words, if the couch's color is simple beige, then the accent chair will incorporate that beige with a few other colors in a decorative piece.

A modern home is simple, yet classy. All things in this home have been picked out through painstaking efforts. There are clean lines throughout the home and very little in the way of knickknacks. Modern home decor screams good taste in a very simple way.

Lee Dobbins writes for Home Improvement Solution where you can get more decorating tips for dozens of decorating styles.

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